How This Site Works

Welcome to the Official Spectrum Community School Alumni Association site.

This is a large web site with lots going on. To make it easy to understand and even easier to participate in, here are just a few hints and hi-lites of what you can do and what to look for.

On the top of each page is the Navigation.

About Us: This is the page that explain who is on the Alumni Association board and what the Alumni Association does.

Be a Moderator: Each grad year has a Social Moderator. Since this site is new we only have a few years filled. If your year does not have a Social Moderator and you want to be one, look through this page.

Reunions: As we get going this page will be where you can find info about upcoming reunions, how to put on a reunion and how to connect with the school and Alumni Association.

Contact Us: That’s easy.

School Site: A link to Spectrum Community School official web site.

Alumni on FB: This is the Alumni Associations FaceBook page.

Top of the left side of the page: You will find the decades and in each decade is each year.  In each year is the complete digital version of your yearbook. If you graduated in 1992…look in 1992!

Below the decades: You will find the most recent posts from the Alumni Association.

On each years home page :You will see the person from your grad year who is the Social Moderator for that year. If there is no one, then we are looking for someone for that year.

What is a Social Moderator for your grad year: They are the pivot person for your year. They can post info for you, help you find someone from your year, keep the year updated with news and info on fellow grads and upcoming events such as reunions.

Just above each year’s Social Moderator info are links to your years specific info. They are:

Year Overview: This shows all of the pages from your yearbook that were not either from your homeroom (TA) or Teams, Clubs or Arts.

TA: This show the TA’s (Homerooms) broken down in order as they were laid out in the original Year Book.

Teams, Clubs or Arts: If you’re looking for your soccer or volley ball team picture or were in a play that year or belonged to a club. Here is where you will find those pictures.

Blog: The Blog is the “thread or posts” placed there by your grad years Social Moderator. These can be pictures you want posted or updates on events or people from Spectrum and your year.

Year in History: This is a link to all the things that went on in the world the year you graduated. Fun facts and headlines and newsworthy moment from the year in which you graduated.

Download Your Year Book: This is where you can download a PDF of your year book. Who wouldn’t want this!

Open any Page and you will find: A comment section. This allows you to comment on the picture, share the image to FaceBook or share to other social media sites such as Tumblr,Twitter, Pinterest and others.

Go forth and have fun: Number one thing to do on this site. Connect with old friends, have a wander through the past and above all, have fun.